About Us

Who We Are & What We Do

Our mission is to provide women in Africa with a world-class beauty retail experience that is inclusive, empowering, culturally relevant, and of the highest quality. The Zena brand is rooted in the conviction that beauty provides a strong foundation for self-expression; transforming it from a mere beauty retailer to an inspiring movement. The significance of our mission cannot be overstated. It transcends mere business transactions and embraces the transformative power of self-identity and self-expression.

We envision a world where access to world-class beauty retail experience is not a luxury for women.Therefore, every black woman deserves access to personalized expert advice, high-quality products, and authentic knowledge on their beauty needs. We believe that diversity, representation, and empowerment are not mere buzzwords; they are the guiding principles that fuel our passion and shape our vision.


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By joining The Zena Community, you have an opportunity to be part of a movement that redefines beauty standards, creates economic opportunities, and celebrates the unique beauty of African women.


To offer friendly, personalized services through a team of high skilled and creative professionals in a clean relaxing environment. We embrace excellence.


To be recognized by our clients, and the industry as the leading and most efficient providers for hair, beauty and spa services.
To promote personal and professional growth of our team.

Core values

Innovation: To keep learning on new ways to make you look and feel beautiful.
Respect: Keen to understand and value our client’s needs; as we respect their choices.

About Us

Elevate your beauty experience with Zena Beauty.

Muthaiga Heights, Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: (254) 745-406687

Contact Info